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Schedule for Modern Healthcare Delivery

Unlock Savings, Safeguard Care and Staff Wellbeing

Allocate Optima makes it easy to plan and deploy people resources safely, in the most financially sustainable and fair way. In doing so we make scheduling teams’ lives easier, meaning they can focus early on hard to fill gaps, avoiding last minute requests for expensive agency support.

  • One Screen, One Click
  • Dynamic Rules Engine, reflecting policy and highlight or block violations
  • Create an optimal schedule quickly with AutoSchedule
  • Engage teams with Schedule Analyzer looking at schedule from safety, fairness and value perspectives
  • Bring all staff into a single schedule
  • Supports all scheduling methods including set patterns, annual, dynamic, self scheduling and team scheduling
  • Fully integrated with contingent staffing
  • Ensure pay is accurate

1.4 million staff

scheduled each month

13.5 million hours of care

redeployed based on clinical need, avoiding extra cost from agency or float

60% of the 2.3 million vacant shifts

sent for contingent help filled by known float staff, rather than agency

Designed for healthcare

and used by over 220+ healthcare organizations worldwide

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